Navigating Today's Housing Market

Rising interest rates have dramatically shifted home-buying strategies, prompting buyers to explore unconventional paths to homeownership. Creative financing solutions like adjustable-rate mortgages and assumable loans are gaining traction, while multi-generational living arrangements have emerged as a practical solution to affordability challenges. Alternative purchasing methods, including rent-to-own programs and seller financing, are providing new pathways to homeownership for those facing traditional lending barriers. This evolving landscape has created a market where flexibility and innovative financial approaches have become essential tools for prospective homeowners.

  • When you need to work on your credit. Maybe your credit score is just starting to recover, but you need more time to pay down debts for a couple of years. With rent-to-own, you could start investing in a home while you bring up your score.
  • You’re close, but not quite ready to secure a mortgage. You might have a good job with a significantly bigger salary, but you haven’t been there long enough for a lender to consider it a stable source of income. Or maybe you’re self-employed and you’re still building a reliable track record. Rent-to-own allows time to build personal wealth and financial credibility while working toward your homeownership goals.
  • When you know you’re going to buy when the lease expires. If you’re not ready to buy when the lease expires, then you will lose any rent credit, i.e. investment, you’ve put into the home.